Sunday, March 25, 2012

If Time Machine Really Exist, Agan Want to Year How?

Posted By: Muhammad Akhyar - 5:28 AM


& Comment

If Time Machine Really Exist, Agan Cabz Want to Year How?

100 years ago in the journal Annalen der Physik, Germany, appeared an article entitled "Zur Elektrodynamik bewegter Kerper" or "On The Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies". Then this article is more known for proposing a new theory, namely Special Relativity. The author Albert Einstein, who in 2005 was among the physics world celebrate the Year of Einstein.
One hundred years ago it was a miracle year (annus mirabilis) Einstein. In addition to papers on Special Relativity Theory, he sent two other major papers to the same journal: the photoelectric effect that drove won the Nobel Prize in Physics 1921 and the study of Brownian motion.

Without disparage the other two papers, the work of Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity is the most controversial when published. Up until now, remained a subject of discussion. This theory to some scientists is the strong foundation that allows the passage of time into the future.

According to the Special Theory of Relativity, space and time are not absolute, but relative. That is, space and time differently for each person. How does one experience the event in space and time depends on two things: where the person is watching and how fast he was moving when compared with the speed of light.

Einstein observed that the speed of light is constant at 299 thousand kilometers per second. Speed ​​of light would not be different, though observed by two people from two different observation points.

In accordance with the formula, the velocity (v) is the distance (d) divided by time (t). If v is a constant, t and d was the one who should change. One consequence is that the clock is in the things that always moves slower than the clock ticking is still in place.

This leads to the famous "twin paradox". A pair of twins are separated, one to be rocketed at high speed across the galaxy and come back to earth, others live on earth. Although the rocket velocity approaching the speed of light, it took 10 thousand years for the astronauts to explore the galaxy and back to a certain point on the earth. Because of relatively high mobility, age astronauts longer than other people who live on earth. Astronauts will return to earth just a few years older than when he slid. Meanwhile, his twin brother had died long ago.

Predictions of a slowdown of time has also been confirmed by experiment atomic clocks flown around the earth with jet aircraft.

"If you fly a plane around the earth to the east, you will be 59 nanoseconds younger than if you stay at home," said Dr. J. Richard Gott, an astrophysicist at Princeton University, in New Jersey, United States.

The record for this type of travel, said Gott, Russian cosmonaut Sergei Krikalev held. He returned to Earth after living in the Russian space station Mir for 748 days. Age younger than the fifth of twelve seconds if he remains on earth.

In his 1905 paper, Einstein also predicted a slowing of time due to the speed of rotation of the earth. Thus, the hour at the Equator than the clock tick slower at the poles. However, this prediction turned out to be wrong.

Recently in an article in Physics Today, Dr Alex Harvey of Queens College in New York and Dr. Engelbert Schucking from New York University confirms that Einstein was not involved in the General Theory of Relativity, which came 10 years later. General Theory of Relativity states that the hours run slowed more because the gravitational field in which he resides.

A cross between surfing at high speed and the effect of the gravitational field can be applied to future manned missions to the planet Mercury, for example. According to Gott, astronauts who go to the mission for 30 years would save 22 seconds of the life of an astronaut.

Someone claiming to be from year 2036 to year 2000 came to the post in
internet forum, claiming to be American soldiers in the year 2036 on a mission to
1975 to take the world's first portable computer that is IBM 5100, and
stopped in 2000-2001 to see his family.

Since 2 November 2000, John Titor appeared in the forum with the name Timetravel_0,
Amrik soldiers claiming to be from the year 2036. He pulled his time machine photo post
and manuals. John was ordered back to the 1970s to take
his grandfather's ancient computer (IBM 5100). For in his time (2036), UNIX computers
experience problems (such Y2K) and the IBM 5100 which is only able to handle it!
John should be back to his time but he was stopped in 2001 for
warn parents will bahaya2 future. That's when John appeared in the
forum. March 21, 2001, John excused himself back to his time and since it never came
again in the forum.

John claimed that his name was just a pseudonym. His real name is never
revealed. He says he was born in 1998 and his parents live in Florida. Parents
John is certainly a shock when he knew who John was. John also had met with
"Himself" alone (which was 3th). John left a few items of future
for parents and ask them to make video detik2 departure
Video departure of John smepat sent to several people but never published.
Surprisingly, after the departure of John, John's parents moved from Florida. Some time
then, two devastating hurricanes that struck the area! Did they move because John had warned them?

However, people who do not believe it attacked him with a question that if John is really from the future,
why John did not warn the world about the tragedy of WTC 9/11, Bali bombings, the tsunami Aceh was horrendous because tragedi2 world. But
people who believe in defending John that tragedi2 it is nothing compared
World War 3 and the 2015 civil war which tore America into five fractions (the
why John did not consider it important to mention the WTC tragedy, etc.).
The pros and cons of these people in the forum became a hot topic at the time, because
he can prove the things that will happen in the NCC, he also upload pictures
his time machine, how it works, and also spread the scientific formula of time machine
in the forum.

Some people on the forum started to strafe John Titor with a variety of questions,
conclusion that it could be that John Titor is a person who has an intelligent and science
in-depth knowledge of science which, although John claimed to specialize in History is not on
and computer science fields.

Who is John Titor? He admitted that he was born in 1998 in Florida, he took on the task of
years 2036 to 1975 to take a tuk IBM PC 5100, which according to him where pc
It contained language to solve a variety of interchangeable unix unix language. according to him the technology
in only a handful org pc ibm and technological know just who it was never again in
pairs in the next generation of up to 2036 pc.
According to him all the unix system time error will face in the year 2036, therefore
IBM 5100 is very important.
It is instantly recognized by the IBM, and they were shocked, because only 5 who org
knew it, and it also happened in 1975.

The concept of a time machine, John admitted in the life of a time machine which he is answerable C204 includes up to 3 machines org is owned by the American military in 2036,
and machine time rather strange things in his time, there is another type which is larger antecedent C206

made by GE (General Electric) can be up to 7 people. This machine is only capable of
60tahun maximum of bringing them to the past 10 years with the speed per hour.

About Muhammad Akhyar

Techism is an online Publication that complies Bizarre, Odd, Strange, Out of box facts about the stuff going around in the world which you may find hard to believe and understand. The Main Purpose of this site is to bring reality with a taste of entertainment


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